This coming Monday, the 11th day of the 11th month at 11.00am, New Zealand remembers the Armistice (cessation of arms) of 1918 that ended the first...
We are very proud to introduce our Yr 7 & 8 Leaders.
Some of our Year 7 & 8s fundraising at Mossburn's Batting for Rural Mental Health. Not the flashest weather to sell yummy fresh fruit salad, but l...
On May 20th our Leaders departed for Wellington Camp. The Leadership Programme is about further developing essential life skills, so using public t...
Hoiho Class attended the Grip Leadership Course in Gore on 21 June further developing their skills as part of the Leadership Programme.
Deep Cove Camp, 16 - 20 May 2022. This was an amazing group of Year 7 & 8 Leaders who challenged themselves each and every day. A tight knit bun...
Day. 1 Good leaders need to develop resilience, adaptability and patience. These students definitely learnt this today with our first flight out o...
Our School Leaders have been hard at work picking up and packing pine cones, so that they can raise funds for their Leadership Camp to Auckland in ...
Our school leaders are learning how to sail today as part of the Leadership Programme. Thanks to the Marakura Yacht Club for the opportunity.
We just had our first overnight camp of the year at Camp Taringatura in Dipton. A chance for some team building, and for the Year 7 & 8's to really...
On Friday 8 November year 7 & 8's had a day out in Invercargill. First stop was Adventure Southland where they tested themselves at the high ropes ...
Tonight some of our Student Leaders spoke to Rotary Club of Fiordland about their Leadership Camp to Auckland. They spoke confidently and were able...
Every Wednesday morning we have had a group of Year 7&8 students working alongside the Fiordland Kindy teachers at their Nature Discovery Programme...
Tonight some of our Leadership students shared a presentation on their preparation, goals and the learning they achieved throughout their Auckland ...
Check us out on page 6 of Advocate South 23 May edition.
Last week the Year 7 & 8's attended the National Young Leaders Conference in Auckland. They flew out of Queenstown early on Tuesday morning to make...
Our School Leaders have been hard at work fundraising over the Summer holidays and also this term. On a very hot weekend this month, some of our le...
Leaders are often made, not simply born. We are dedicated to sparking the leadership potential that’s inside every young person through practical, ...